Page 11 - RevistaN17-eng

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h e g r o u p
FCC joins the “Never give up” campaign to
disseminate and support the incorporation
of young people under 30 with disabilities in
the job market.
The campaign was launched officially in
an event presided by Fátima Báñez, the
Minister of Employment and Social Secu-
rity. Those attending this event included
Miguel Carballeda, chairman of ONCE and
its foundation, and Luis Cayo Pérez Bue-
no, Chairman of the Spanish Committee of
Representatives of People with Disabilities
(CERMI, acronym in Spanish).
As a company collaborating with the ONCE
Foundation through its Inserta Program,
FCC is promoting this initiative in order to
reach as many young people with disabili-
ties as possible.
A total 67,500 people have fulfilled their
dreams and this number could increase.
Daily efforts make it possible for thousands
of young people with disabilities to be able
to fulfil their dreams.
Help us to disseminate this campaign by
sharing the video with friends, family mem-
bers, and contacts so as to reach as many
people as possible in order to make labour
integration a reality.
FCC joins new campaign
against gender violence
The new awareness campaign launched by
the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Ser-
vices and Equality to eradicate gender vio-
lence, that bane of society that claimed the
lives of 43 women last year, has taken as its
motto “There Is A Way Out”, encouraging
people to report situations of gender violen-
ce instead of just resigning themselves to it.
FCC is committed to fighting gender violen-
ce, and that is why we would like to remind
everybody who works with us that we must
keep our eyes open for any sign of violence
against women, no matter where we are.
Through the work being done by the Equa-
lity and Diversity Management Team, FCC’s
Corporate Management Office for Human
Resources is continuing to promote and
boost activities aimed at favouring equality
and combating gender violence.
FCC is one of the 22 members of Compa-
nies for a Gender-Violence-Free Society, an
initiative that uncompromisingly denoun-
ces every kind of violence against women.
Through this initiative, members are striving
to make gender violence more visible, inte-
grate victims into the job market and make
people grasp the importance of awareness.
See attached announcement
Sponsored by the Ministry of Health, Social Services, and Equality
Support for the new
ONCE campaign
Download the “Never give up” video.