Page 53 - FCC-N14-eng

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e o p l e
education at all levels is
considered fundamental
ting internationally recognized standards,
both of which are the two main challenges
from an internationalisation perspective.
Promote education
and awareness-building
FCC is aware of its commitment to people
in all their aspects; from the social perspec-
tive, to their jobs, as members of or indi-
rectly associated with the organization. It
is essential, from this perspective, to pro-
mote education and awareness-building,
including dissemination and participation
measures that go beyond the work-related
areas, some of which are already being im-
The trend in the results obtained in recent
years have led to an ongoing reduction in
the accident rate and the new boost given
in recent years by defining a new organiza-
tion and the lines of action adapted to the
new requirements, all of which augur an ex-
citing future, facing challenges and achie-
ving objectives.
Multiple actions and initiatives aimed at
building awareness, commitment, and re-
cognition of a job well done have been ca-
rried out in recent years. For many years,
tools have been used such as internal and
external audits to assess the levels of im-
plementation of management systems as
an indicator, among others, of the level of
awareness and integration in our day-to-
day actions of working safely and using the
available resources. We have gone a long
way and very satisfactorily but we must also
be aware that that there is room for impro-
vement and this should be a driving force in
our jobs every day.
assuming that accidents will not occur. We
should bear in mind this goal in our actions
and in the responsibility of each of us, as a
commitment and as a conviction.
A good work environment is also necessary
as well as the involvement of senior mana-
gement, managers, middle management,
and workers; commitment and trust bet-
ween the company and its employees; and,
of course, ongoing improvement of working
Trust and safety in the future of prevention
It is very promising to see that those res-
ponsible for safety and health are confident
that they will be able to continue to improve
their performance at FCC and that they are
very optimistic in this respect. They believe
that it is necessary now to take a further
step in raising awareness on risks and on
generating a real culture of prevention.
Carlos Alonso assures us that “steps are
being taken towards comprehensive mana-
gement, essential for a company of these
characteristics with a highly diverse and
widespread geographical presence. We will
be able to reap the rewards of these efforts
over the medium term”.
“Senior Management is totally involved in
this effort, as shown by our Occupational
Hazard Prevention Policy as well as in the
Corporate Manual on Occupational Safe-
ty and Health. I am convinced that FCC’s
work on Prevention will soon receive ex-
ternal recognition”, Guadalupe Bobadilla of
FCC Ámbito said.
Begoña Menager believes that “we should
continue to encourage worker’s professio-