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Message to employees
Juan Carlos Sáez
de Rus
Corporate Director of
Occupational Safety
and Health at the FCC
The involvement of
each worker is essential since it is neces-
sary that we work safely and that this beco-
mes a commitment in our day-to-day lives.
It is strengthened and guaranteed with the
support of the organization and the means
that it puts at our disposal and materialises
in our daily work. We can all participate and
all of us can help to achieve improvements.
Carlos Alonso
Head of Safety and
Health Management
at Cementos Portland
Nothing in our work
justifies being exposed to risks and, much
less, injuries. We must be clearly aware that
that there are real risks that affect us and
not just other people. The company puts
the human and material resources at our
disposal so that no incidents have taken
place by the end of our working day. It is
in our hands to achieve this and, of cour-
se, if we have not done something right, we
would be very pleased to receive sugges-
tions and recommendations so that we
achieve an increasingly safer environment.
nalism so that they can become more in-
volved and in this way we will secure their
commitment and we will achieve the results
that we expect. The motto is “without invol-
vement, there is no commitment”.
“The future of safety and health is no other
than the future of our company”, Pascual
Capmany said, adding that “it is a one way
trip without a return ticket”.
Conviction and awareness
For Delfina García, the key objective is to
achieve a greater level of safety in our wor-
king conditions so as to reduce the rate
of accidents and occupational diseases,
thereby increasing productivity, competi-
tiveness, and physical as well as intellec-
tual performance which will redound in the
Company’s greater efficiency and intrinsic
Cristina García envisages FCC’s future in
this respect as one “with totally implemen-
ted prevention management systems, with
all personnel aware and convinced that they
must comply with their prevention-related
obligations”. Conviction and awareness
should also be part of all the organizations
that share activities with the FCC Group”.
More people at FCC are realising that it is
necessary to accept and use all the resour-
ces that the company puts at their disposal
to prevent accidents. Nevertheless, there
are still some workers who find it difficult
to use individual protection equipment and
POH technicians must explain to them the
reasons and the advantages of using the
resources provided by the Company.
Mª Guadalupe
Bobadilla Crespo
Head of Safety and
Health Management
at FCC Ámbito
Without your help
and collaboration, it
will not be possible to achieve our “0 Ac-
cidents” objective. This is not an objective
aimed at the audience, administration, or
other stakeholders, but rather, in accor-
dance with our principles, we want to do
things in the right way and our concern is
that workers are safe and safeguarded from
possible accidents.
Menager Calvo
Head of Safety and
Health Management at
FCC Versia
Our message should
be clear and concise:
In safety and health,
we need involvement
and commitment to take care for our work
environment, increase knowledge, and im-
prove safety and health at our jobs”.
Capmany Corchón
Head of Safety and
Health Management at
Working safely is a
work condition where-
ver FCC operates.
Delfina García
Head of Safety and
Health Management at
FCC Medio Ambiente
All employees have
the responsibility of taking care of our own
safety, health, and well being, as well as that
of others who are affected by our activities.
Our message could be: “The best preven-
tion is your attitude when facing occupatio-
nal hazards: avoid them”.
Cristina García
Head of Safety and
Health Management
at FCC Construcción
As our European cam-
paign states: “working
together for risk prevention”, safety implies
the involvement of all agents.