Page 51 - FCC-N14-eng

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Hazards Prevention System in each and
every business area, and performed pe-
riodical in-house and external audits, both
OHSAS as well as mandatory types, co-
llaborating with the different company de-
partments to ensure compliance with legal
She also mentioned that “in May 2011,
the Board of Directors approved the FCC
Group Occupational Hazard Prevention
Policy, reflecting the organization’s com-
mitment to constant improvement and to
the integration of the prevention concept at
all organizational levels”.
Delfina mentioned the Shared Prevention
Services had been created for each of the
business areas, that the number of preven-
tion technicians and workers assigned to
prevention tasks had increased, as well as
the number of hours of training in the Pre-
vention of Occupational Hazards, and that
measures such as the Strategic Road Safe-
ty Plan had been implemented, particularly
important in an activity in which the use of
vehicles was very widespread.
e o p l e
Cristina García believes that “over the past
few years, the culture of prevention is incre-
asingly more evident at our workplace. This
has been an ongoing improvement process
as reflected in the Group’s Prevention Po-
licy for all its companies which define the
responsibilities in the Prevention area at all
hierarchical levels”.
Risk assessments
The systematic implementation of risk as-
sessments at all work sites and jobs and
the safety plans at projects have contribu-
ted to making progress.
The Group develops several preventive
measures in line with the decisions taken
by the European Union which has expres-
sed its goal of gradually improving working
conditions and achieve progress. As an in-
ternational citizen services Group, we must
carry out preventive actions that go beyond
legal requirements.
It is of vital importance to define standard
management criteria to achieve similar sa-
fety and health standards in all business
areas and countries in accordance with the
requirements in each of them.
The heads of safety and health at the FCC
group are in agreement on the need for the
Company to continue encouraging the pre-
ventive culture by means of campaigns that
stress that prevention should be an integral
part of the organization’s work without it
being necessary for anyone to monitor this.
Workers as a whole should be truly convin-
ced that risks actually exist and that pre-
venting accidents would only be possible
with their help and involvement. The main
task of the Prevention of Occupational Ha-
zard (POH) technicians is to advice, rather
than monitoring and controlling compliance
with the regulations.
Prevention of occupational hazards should
be mainly aimed at managers so that they
understand their role as the parties respon-