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interests so as not to suffer any injury as
well as to avoid undesired consequences
for the company, such as the erosion of our
The head of occupational safety at Cemen-
tos Portland believes that we are not yet
fully convinced on the integration of Pre-
vention of Occupational Hazards at all our
activities and underscores, in this respect
“we do notice, however, an evident impro-
vement in the accident rate in line with the
policy set out by the FCC Group ”.
“The FCC Group has always tried to
ensure safety”
María Guadalupe Bobadilla, from FCC Ám-
bito also shares this opinion: “at the FCC
Group, we have always tried to ensure
workers’ safety even though the progress
made in this respect has been more sig-
nificant since the Act on the Prevention of
Occupational Hazards was enacted. This is
no longer just restricted to the Prevention
department, but is part of the company’s
operations, the lynchpin when designing
new activities as well as when performing
ordinary tasks”.
Begoña Menager of FCC Versia, Begoña
Menager believes that the trend has been
lnformation: efficient method
Those who are part of FCC are fully
aware of the need for accepting and
using all the resources that the company
puts at our disposal in order to prevent
accidents. Information and training on
Occupational Hazard Prevention are very
important and are also efficient methods
for increasing awareness. This is why at
very positive over the past few years: “we
have acted with optimism and with the de-
sire of implementing a project with a highly
qualified team, our Prevention specialists.
The project kicked off with the implemen-
tation of a global Occupational Hazard Pre-
vention system with all personnel having
specific tasks assigned and thanks to the
strong commitment, the system has been
throughout the years, achieving a high level
or awareness”.
The head of Occupational Safety Mana-
gement at FCC Versia also stated that
“the result of this involvement are the po-
sitive results in the accident rate which, in
our company, has been declining over the
years, also achieving improvement in work
conditions where employees, out of their
own personal conviction, have generated
the dynamics of doing things well, also one
of the four renewed principles of the FCC
Pascual Capmany, of Aqualia, highlights
“the enhanced quality of services rende-
red by the various safety and health de-
partments of each division has been evi-
dent. The resources have increased in
numbers and in qualifications. We have
performed services with our own resources
and this has led to specialisation which is
difficult to find when we resort to third-party
prevention services”.
Commitment to constant improvement
Delfina García, of FCC Construcción, stres-
ses the great progress achieved in this field:
“in 1998, we implemented an Occupational
FCC we have a strong prevention cul-
ture, identified and transmitted through
all of its dissemination media: websites,
intranet, magazines, in-house advertising
campaigns, posters, etc. for employees.
This has enabled us to achieve a high
level of awareness on the Prevention of
Occupational Hazards at all levels.
The purpose of these communication
measures is to awaken the interest and
awareness on occupational safety and
health in all workers who are part of FCC
and to stress the importance of the value
of their lives and that of everybody else.