The challenges faced by the city
Thanks to the cross-analysis of the Carbon Footprint results and of the main challen-
ges identified by various members of the community, 26 comprehensive measures
were defined and integrated in the Climate Change Master Plan. These include current
projects analysed from the standpoint of climate change, as well as new projects to be
developed and executed over a 10-year horizon.
Urban mobility, sustainability in the livestock industry, and stormwater drainages were
among the most urgent challenges which the local government will tackle by imple-
menting specific measures. The city will also give priority to other critical sectors to
achieve a locally sustainable model contemplating the end-to-end handling or urban
waste, energy efficiency, rural sewage systems, and measures to help populations
facing risks.
The city’s mayor stated: “The ‘Montería, Green City 2019 Project’ has enabled us
to detect opportunities so that we can focus over the next ten years on sustainable,
low-carbon, environmentally-friendly development that ensures the quality of life of our
community. This initiative gives us the opportunity for introducing clean technologies
and technical innovations in the management of our urban services and to consolidate
our urban policies and reinforce the physical infrastructure of our city”.
their commitment to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, Montería launched its pro-
ject “Montería Green City 2019”.
As part of this project, the township’s car-
bon footprint was calculated according to
the 2006 Guidelines of the Intergovernmen-
tal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, Spa-
nish acronym) and the implementation of
the City’s Climate Change Master Plan con-
sisting of 15 challenges and 26 measures
aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emis-
sions in the management of urban services,
introducing clean technologies, promoting
the preservation of natural resources, and
anticipating risks.
This is a comprehensive vision of the city,
with a transversal focus contemplating se-
veral measures, including the development
of projects in urban transport, management
of solid waste, stormwater discharge sys-
tems, and sanitation sewage networks.