Proactiva Medio
Ambiente: The city’s
strategic partner
Proactiva Medio Ambiente was the
technical expert that collaborated
with the local authorities in calcula-
ting the carbon footprint throughout
the city (Inventory of Greenhouse Gas
Emissions) and in analysing the cha-
llenges and vulnerabilities ad the de-
finition of the measures contemplated
in the Climate Plan.
To carry this out, Proactiva Medio Am-
biente contributed the “Carbon LAC
ciudades” tool, launched in 2011, and
adapted to Latin American cities to
calculate greenhouse gas emissions.
investments, and public resources focused
on local development.
In this context, the Climate Change Plans
represent a strategic framework for sus-
tainable urban planning and development.
Montería is one of the Latin American cities
to have adopted a local plan to mitigate the
effects and adapt to climate change.
Montería Master Plan for Climate
Following the execution of the Mexican
Compact, an agreement among mayors
pursuant to which 150 cities expressed
their commitment to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, Montería launched its pro-
o c i a l
e s p on s i b i l i t y