implements its
Climate Change plan
Proactiva Medio
Ambiente’s function was
that of the technical
expert that collaborated
with the city of Montería
in preparing an
inventory of Greenhouse
Gas Emissions and its
Climate Plan
Proactiva Medio Ambiente launches its
“CARBON LAC Ciudades” tool
Proactiva Medio Ambiente has become a
decisive partner of Latin American cities in
their fight against climate change.
In fact, an increasingly number of Latin
American cities are committed to beco-
ming “Sustainable Cities”, an opportunity
for focusing on low carbon development
and introducing new management techno-
logies for their services while, at the same
time, a benchmark to compete with other
cities and to attract entrepreneurs, private
The Carbon Footprint
Based on the methodologies contemplated
in the 2006 Guidelines of the Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the
greenhouse gas emissions of the city were
calculated, taking the year 2009 as a refe-
rence, and analysing the main sectors and
activities of the city.
These calculations delivered a result of
1,239,247.94 tons of carbon dioxide equiva-
lent (CO2eq) distributed among the energy
and agriculture, forestry and land use (AFO-
LU) sectors and waste.
AFOLU was shown to be the sector that
contributed the greatest CO2eq emissions,
73.3% (908,352.91) of the city’s total emis-
sions, explained by the agriculture and lives-
tock vocation in this municipality.
The energy sector came in second, genera-
ting 18.90% of total emissions (234,276.87
tons) with the waste sector contributing the
remaining 7.8% (96,618.16 tons).