La Nostra Casa,
During these months, coral work-
shops, table soccer competitions,
relaxing workshops and birthday par-
ties were organized at the Valencia re-
tirement home. As in previous years,
Javier Aranda Ortega accompanied
the “La Nostra Casa” residents to the
traditional visit to Valencia’s airport.
“FCC Volunteers”, in collaboration
with the Esther Koplowitz Founda-
tion, organized the first edition of the
“Summer at the Residence” concerts
in July, which was inaugurated with
the performance by the singer José
Luis Pardo.
Department who focused on classic Greek-
Roman history in his presentation on “The
influence of history on our lives”.
The conference cycle at the Collado Villal-
ba home concluded with the presence of
Estrella Pérez, a volunteer at the National
Romanticism Museum, who, in a virtual vi-
sit, took the audience to the halls at the mu-
seum, taking them back to the nineteenth
century and the reign of Queen Isabel II of
rement Home
o c i a l
e s p on s i b i l i t y
Besides these activities, yoga, table games,
creative painting workshops, film forums,
and birthday parties were organized at the
Collado Villalba Retirement Home.