Carbon footprint,
a key indicator
of companies’ performance
in Gyál (Hungary) awarded title of
“Energy Conscious Company”
British Standards Institution (BSI) held a
new edition in Bilbao, Madrid, and Bar-
celona, of the seminar for launching the
internationally recognised PAS 2050 and
PAS 2060 standards for management, ve-
rification, and neutralisation of the carbon
.A.S.A. Magyarország Ltd. Obtained the
“2012 Energy Conscious Company” title
granted to companies participating in the
Virtual Power Plant program which aims to
publish the energy-efficiency achievements
of companies.
Companies such as .A.S.A. that participa-
te in this project are committed to energy
efficiency and the protection of the envi-
ronment, achieving greater efficiency in the
company’s normal activities, such as crea-
ting a gas plant using landfill waste for hea-
ting and hot water in office buildings.
Several experts and environmental mana-
gers attended the seminar to discuss car-
bon footprint management in companies,
institutions, and other organisations, com-
plying with business objectives and achie-
ving other competitive advantages.
Companies such as FCC, Bankinter, Factor
submitted several practical cases on their
strategies for reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and debated over the challenges
and opportunities of verifying and reducing
the carbon footprint.
A.S.A.’s commitment contemplates an
energy efficiency tests and plans for
improving efficiency, ensuring the ne-
cessary resources to achieve this goal
and encouraging personnel to partici-
pate actively in the program.
Catherine Milhau, the manager of FCC Me-
dio Ambiente’s Coordination and Develo-
pment Department attended the seminar
held in Madrid.
o c i a l
e s p on s i b i l i t y