World Day
Against Child
FCC joined the campaign in favour of the
right of all children to be protected against
child labour, the worst type of exploitation,
as well as any other violation of their Human
Coinciding with the World Day Against Child
Labour (12 June 2012), FCC launched a
worldwide dissemination and awareness-
raising campaign addressed all FCC com-
panies operating in more than 50 countries,
to call attention on the employment of chil-
dren in dangerous jobs that also interfere
with their education, can be harmful to their
health or to their physical, mental, spiritual,
moral and social development.
This measure aims to promote policies of
social dialogue and labour relations, com-
plying with the commitments acquired
within the context of the Universal Declara-
tion of Human Rights, the Declaration of the
Rights of Children, and various other ILO
covenants and also to encourage respon-
sibility in the communities where the FCC
Group operates and renders services.
FCC supports the ratification of the various
ILO covenants and the regulations and
fundamental international declarations to
protect children from performing jobs that
could pose hazards, can interfere with their
education, and are harmful for their health
or their physical, mental, spiritual, moral or
social development. The company also
supports policies and national programs
that ensure effective progress in the fight
against child labour and the implementation
of initiatives to promote global awareness
on this social scourge.
As part of this campaign, a descriptive pre-
sentation is included in this page as well as
a list of international organizations such as
the ILO, UNICEF, or Global Compact.
The campaign
was launched
worldwide, reaching all
FCC offices scattered in
more than 50 countries