o r p o r a t e
Framework agreement between the International
Federation of Trade Unions (lFTU)
and FCC Construcción
The Framework Agreement between the International Federation of Trade Unions (IFTU)
and FCC Construcción and our policy on social dialogue and labour relations represent
an express commitment to the respect and promotion of the principles enshrined in the:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The Tripartite Declaration of the ILO.
Master guidelines for OECD Multinational Companies.
The United Nations Global Compact.
To realise this commitment, FCC Construcción will ensure strict compliance with law,
the FCC Group Code of Ethics, and, most importantly, will NOT RESORT TO CHILD LA-
BOUR, always applying of the various regulations, if any, the one that is the most stringent.
FCC Construcción wants to highlight the important role played by companies and those
who form part of it, and all stakeholders, in the effective involvement and dissemination of
the fight against child labour.
let's end
child labour
World Day Against Child Labour
12 June 2012
let's end
child labour
12 June 2012
12 DE JUNIO DE 2012
12 JUIN 2012
éliminons le
Derechos humanos
y justicia social
Droits de l'homme
et justice sociale
National policies and programmes
The ILO Convention No. 182 requires that each
Member which ratifies the Convention shall
design and implement programmes of action to
eliminate as a priority the worst forms of child
labour. Many countries have now established
National Action Plans that provide a framework
for such efforts. However many other countries
have yet to do so and countries that have
established plans need to monitor and review
their effectiveness. If the challenging target of
eliminating the worst forms of child labour by
2016 is to be achieved, urgent action along
these lines is required now!
The worldwide movement against child labour
Although governments must take the lead
role in tackling child labour, the ILO standards
stress the important role that employers and
workers organizations should play in setting and
implementing action programmes. Many civil
society organizations are also closely involved
in efforts to tackle child labour. Building the
worldwide movement against child labour at
global, national and local level remains a priority.
Join with us on June 12!
The World Day Against Child Labour promotes
awareness and action to tackle child labour.
Support for the World Day has been growing
each year and in 2012 we look forward to a
World Day that will again be widely supported.
We would like you and your organization to
be part of the 2012 World Day.
Join us and add your voice to the worldwide
movement against child labour.
For more information contact
World Day Against Child Labour
World Day Against Child Labour
12 JUNE 2012
12 JUNE 2012
let’s end
child labour