o r p o r a t e
its commitment
to the fight
gender violence
FCC ratified its commitment to women who
have been victims of gender violence and
the fight against this social scourge by in-
corporating the initiative “Companies for a
society free of gender violence” by which
the companies who signed up for this initia-
tive will enhance the visibility of this problem
by means of specific awareness-building
campaigns, contributing to help victims by
incorporating them in the workforce.
Ana Mato, minister of Health, Social Servi-
ces, and Equality, presided the event which
was attended by Juan Manuel Moreno,
secretary of State, and the Government
representative for Gender Violence, Blanca
For the past two years, FCC has been
collaborating with the Ministry of Health,
Social Services, and Equality, with which
it signed a collaboration agreement for rai-
sing awareness and for integration in the
workforce. This agreement was subse-
quently supplemented by various agree-
ments with agencies specialising in provi-
ding services to the most disadvantaged,
such as Fundación Integra and the Spanish
Red Cross to carry out actions aimed at
raising awareness and for integrating these
people in the workforce.
During the event, Minister Ana Mato poin-
ted out that only two of the twenty-two wo-
men who had been murdered this year had
previously denounced the abuse they had
suffered. She said that the reason was that
“in many cases, the lack of financial inde-
pendence made it difficult to escape from
this situation”.
The minister of Health and the Government
representative expressed their deep appre-
ciation for the essential role played by com-
panies that had been collaborating with this
project for some time and those that joined
the initiative this year given the need for
women subjected to gender violence “can
start a new life without anguish”.
Jointly with FCC, the companies that
signed the agreement and received the
membership letter included: Acciona,
CEPSA, Confesal, Curves International of
Spain, EROSKI, Fehrcarem, Inditex, Grupo
AMMA, Grupo EULEN, Sacyr and Servicios
The companies who joined the “Companies
for a society free of gender violence” were
Alcampo, BBVA, British Telecom, Centros
Comerciales Carrefour, El Corte Inglés,
Endesa, Federación de Hostelería, Funda-
ción La Caixa, Grupo Mahou-San Miguel,
Hoteles Ayre, Iberdrola, IKEA, Indra, Man-
go, Marco Aldany, NH Hoteles, Red Eléc-
trica, REPSOL, Sodexo, Supermercados
Simply, Telefónica and Unión de Cerrajeros
de Seguridad.
We must review
our social culture and
bring to light the types of
behaviour that could lead
to gender violence