implemented at
Aqualia employees are now enjoying the
services made possible by Incorpora, the
new FCC Human Resources management
tool. Accessing the tool is simple, just by
going to the
tal site or through the FCCNet Employee in-
tranet portal by clinking on the “Employee
Services” link. The Incorpora team has sent
information by e-mail with instructions on
how to access the tool by entering a user-
name and a password.
The services that Incorpora provides to
Aqualia employees are divided into diffe-
rent blocks or functionalities from where
they can access various functions including
payroll. As to “My Vacations” any Aqualia
worker can check the vacations that they
have already taken and request new vaca-
tion periods.
At the “Request Management” section, em-
ployees can check mileage expenses and
per diems as well different types of certi-
ficates and check the status of previous
Personal information on academic back-
ground, qualifications, and professional ex-
perience can be checked and updated in
the “My Data” section.
From the employees’ standpoint, Incorpora
reflects FCC’s interest in promoting self-
management and facilitating access to a
greater number of online human resources
services. A specific space for this initiative
is available at Aqualia’s intranet, including a
presentation of Incorpora, novelties in rela-
tion to the project, and notes issued by the
Incorpora team and a user’s guide. Techni-
cal queries can be sent by e-mail to: incor-
The tool
facilitates online
management and