o r p o r a t e
FCC’s Procurement Model consists of a structural solution
which ensures integrity in relations with suppliers and subcon-
tractors and enhances procurement and supply chain efficiency.
It leverages the procurement synergies and capacities to crea-
te value for FCC businesses by selecting the most competitive
suppliers, while also being designed in accordance with FCC’s
ethical principles.
These include competition and equal opportunities, teamwork
between the Business Units and the Procurement Department,
transparency in processes and in decision-making, objectivity
and consensus among all parties involved in a procurement, and
mutual compliance with contract conditions.
FCC is the first Spanish company in its sector, and one of the
first in the world, to implement such a sweeping transformation
of its procurement and supply chain.
The change is being implemented gradually and across the
board. Initially implemented for large procurements, the thres-
hold is being gradually reduced, and end-to-end electronic
processing is being implemented, from the request for quo-
tes through to invoicing by the selected suppliers. According
to Juan Carlos Montejano, Head of Procurement, as FCC im-
proves supplier and sub-contractor conditions, it is also sha-
ring more efficient processes with them and facilitating contract
To date, over 1.7 billion euro in procurements have been proces-
sed by the new system, attaining an average 12% improvement
in price, and 2,457 companies have registered in FCC’s online
supplier database.
With a view to extending social responsibility and integrity prin-
ciples throughout the supply chain, all contracts with suppliers
and sub-contractors include a clause which requires complian-
ce with FCC’s Code of Ethics. Suppliers and sub-contractors of
FCC also undertake to adhere to the Ten Principles of the United
Nations Global Compact.
An efficient procurement model