Page 7 - FCC-N11-eng

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FCC Construcción has signed a framework
agreement with the Building and Wood
Workers’ International (BWI), which groups
free and democratic unions with members
in the Building, Building Materials, Wood,
Forestry and Allied sectors, as well as with
Spanish construction unions FECOMA-
CCOO and MCA-UGT. FCC is the first Spa-
nish construction company to adhere to
this initiative, which has also been signed
by other European construction giants such
FCC Construcción
executes a
agreement with the
Building and Wood
Workers’ lnternational (BWl)
as Hotchtief, Impregilo, Royal Bam, Skans-
ka and Lafarge.
The agreement was signed by Ambet Yu-
son, General Secretary of BWI, and Fran-
cisco Martín Monteagudo, General Mana-
ger of Human Resources at FCC group,
on behalf of FCC Construcción. Attendees
included Fernando Serrano, General Se-
cretary of Comisiones Obreras Federation
of Construction, Wood and Related Wor-
kers (FECOMA-CCOO); Teodoro Escorial,
Deputy General Secretary of the General
Union of Workers National Federation of
Metal, Construction and Related Workers
(MCA-UGT); other representatives from the
BWI and the company; and Avelino Acero,
General Manager of FCC Construcción.
This agreement places the FCC Group
among the limited number of Spanish com-
panies which have entered into similar inter-
national agreements in othr activities, such
as Telefónica, Repsol, Inditex, and Endesa.
This initiative reaffirms the company’s com-
mitment to social dialogue and responsibi-
lity with the communities where it provides
services and with its own employees. At the
behest of its core shareholder, Esther Ko-
From left to right: Teodoro Escorial, Deputy General Secretary of the MCA-UGT Industry Federation; Avelino Acero,
General Manager of FCC Construcción; Ambet Yuson, General Secretary of BWI; Francisco Martín Monteagudo,
General Manager of Human Resources at FCC Group; and, Fernando Serrano, General Secretary of Comisiones
Obreras Federation of Construction, Wood and Related Workers (FECOMA-CCOO)
First Spanish company in the industry to take this step