Page 6 - FCC-N11-eng

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The Human Resources Department is
committed to diversity management, which
aims to promote the cultural change requi-
red to address the challenges we face as a
result of FCC’s increasing internationalisa-
tion as well as optimising the management
of teams comprised of diverse profiles wi-
thin the company.
At FCC, we aim to proactively implement
actions and programmes which promote
equality, diversity and integration so as to
contribute to the well-being of our emplo-
yees and to strengthen our ties with the
communities that we serve.
The goal is for this policy to underpin FCC’s
philosophy and values. Under the manage-
ment and coordination of the Human Re-
sources Department, the policy will serve to
leverage the development and implementa-
tion of new initiatives and projects to effec-
tively implement diversity at FCC.
FCC has approved
a document that
contemplates integrating
diversity as a key element
in all of the company’s
Approved by Management Committee
Basis of the commitment
The underlying goals of this commitment are as follows:
To create a positive work environment that favours more effective business proces-
ses through inclusiveness so as to achieve greater interaction between people and
their different cultures, nationalities and skills, thus supporting innovation.
To create a diverse work environment that is aligned with the company’s diversity
worldwide, which attracts, retains and promotes people with diverse profiles, who
contribute new ideas and viewpoints, creative solutions, and knowledge of the
cultural and economic diversity of the markets.
To design a process required to transform the organisation so as to maintain a
competitive, leading position.
To promote a culture that helps align corporate values with employees’ priorities
and needs.
To offer programmes that contribute to employee satisfaction and to the develop-
ment of their careers and personal lives.
To promote equal opportunities and eradicate all forms of discrimination.