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plowitz, FCC Construcción was one of the
first Spanish companies to sign the United
Nations Global Compact and the first Spa-
nish company in the sector to sign a gender
equality plan with the main unions and to
subscribe to the UN Women’s Empower-
ment Principles.
Objective of the framework
The companies that are parties to this
agreement recognise that the sustainable
development of the construction indus-
try is important for both the company and
the workers and, at the same time, they
highlight the importance of open, democra-
tic labour relations and of fair procedures
for collective bargaining between union re-
presentatives and those of the company.
This agreement is based on the joint com-
mitment signed by the parties to respect
and promote the principles defined in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the
Tripartite Declaration of the ILO, OECD Gui-
delines for Multinational Enterprises and the
United Nations Global Compact.
FCC Construcción also undertakes to use
all the necessary resources to oversee com-
pliance with the provisions of the Internatio-
nal Labour Organisation (ILO), particularly
with regard to minors, and it undertakes to
carry out its business and professional acti-
vities in accordance with current legislation
in each of the places where it operates, in
line with ethical conduct of the FCC Group
based on compling with the Law in all of its
Terms and
conditions of
the Agreement
About lCM
In this spirit of cooperation, FCC Cons-
trucción and the BWI will work toge-
ther to verify the effective application of
the following requirements at all of the
company’s activities and undertakings:
Freedom of association and the
right to collective bargaining are
Employment is freely chosen.
No discrimination in employment.
Protection of migrant workers.
Child labour is not used.
Living wages are paid.
Hours of work are not excessive.
Health and safety of workers.
Worker welfare.
Skills training.
Labour relations.
Those conditions must be applied at
all times in accordance with the pro-
visions of the benchmark national le-
gislation in each specific case and
without any detriment or contradiction
whatsoever with its objectives.
The BWI is the Global Union Federation
grouping free and democratic unions with
members in the Building, Building Materials,
Wood, Forestry and Allied sectors. The BWI
groups together around 350 trade unions
representing around 12 million members
in 135 countries. The BWI’s mission is to
promote the development of trade unions
in the building and wood industries throug-
hout the world and to promote and enforce
workers’ rights.