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heads the international working group on
sustainability in civil works
Madrid Association of Engineers
and several companies participate in the
edition of internationalisation internships
At the recent meeting of the European CEN/
TC 350 “Sustainability in Building Construc-
tion” Committee held in Stockholm, it was
agreed to create a new working group on
“Sustainability in Civil Engineering Works”,
headed by Antonio Burgueño, the Quality
and Training Director of FCC Construcción,
with the favourable vote of all of the mem-
ber countries and one single abstention,
the United Kingdom. This group was born
out of the purpose of standardizing sustai-
nability in civil engineering works and thus
incorporating it into the work schedule of
the European Committee which had been
focusing its work exclusively on building
construction until that time.
FCC Construcción is currently heading
some of the main working groups in which
the foundations are being laid regarding the
definition and evaluation of Sustainability
and the Environment in the Construction of
Infrastructures. In particular, FCC has held
the Chairmanship since 2007 of the Inter-
national Working Group “ISO/TC59/SC17/
WG5 - Sustainability in Buildings and Civil
Engineering Works”, as well as the Chair-
manship since 2008 of the Spanish sub-
committee “AEN/CTN198/SC2 - Sustaina-
bility in Construction Civil Works.”
This new line of work enriches the universal
nature of the new standard in ISO develo-
pment with the immediate applicability of
the European standard (European Com-
mittee for Standardization), on the part of
the European Union member States since
its publication by CEN implies the imme-
diate implementation by all European Union
Member States. The creation of the “Wor-
king group on civil works” under the lea-
dership of FCC Construcción is yet further
recognition of the work and commitment to
Sustainability on the part of this firm and its
The thirteenth of February last was the ope-
ning day of the international construction
manager course organized by the Madrid
Division of the Spanish Association of Civil
Engineers in cooperation with FCC and se-
veral other builders. The course is part of an
agreement seeking job placement abroad
for recently graduated, unemployed mem-
bers of the association.
The academic portion of the course was
inaugurated by Division President Miguel
Ángel Carrillo Suárez, Vice President Carlos
Gasca, and Alfonso Iglesias, on behalf of
the law firm Cuatrecasas.
Under the agreement, thirty young engi-
neers selected from the cream of the aca-
demic crop will be joining the major Spanish
builders that do business abroad.
FCC has participated closely, in an acade-
mic management capacity, in the prepara-
tion of the 40-hour academic programme.
Different company officers from the areas of
occupational risk prevention, planning, and
FCC quality and training have taken part.
The officers in charge of a number of public
organizations, such as ICEX and AECID,
have also contributed to the effort.
The course is structured as a two-part ex-
perience, focusing first on the functions of a
construction manager and then on interna-
tional project management. These sessions
give an overall view of the requirements in-
volved in executing contracts abroad, and
the young participants are equipped with
the legal, financial and technical tools they
will need to manage international projects in
the construction sector.