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Johannes Dotter
new Managing Director
holds its
Since the beginning of this year, 50-year old
Johannes Dotter, with a PHD in engineering
from the University of Vienna, is the new
managing director of ALPINE, as announ-
ced by the Chairman of the Austrian com-
pany Dietmar Aluta-Oltyan.
Johannes Dotter in a Civil Engineer began
his career in 1987 and has held various
executive positions in several Austrian
companies. He is very acquainted with
the Austrian market, where more than half
of ALPINE’s revenues are generated, and
considered a domestic market of FCC and
its subsidiary ALPINE.
With more than 25 years’ experience in the
construction industry, Dotter is the ideal
CEO not merely for having spent this quar-
ALPINE hosted its Management Conven-
tion in Vienna with the participation of all the
executives of the FCC subsidiary in Central
At the inaugural session and following the
speeches of José Mayor and Alejandro
ter of a century at the helm of the cons-
truction industry in Austria, but also becau-
se of his broad experience in international
markets where ALPINE already has had a
stable presence in 30 countries.
The new ALPINE management team will
have to face the challenge of promoting the
new Energy subsidiary and the renewable
energies business in addition to promoting
ALPINE’s presence abroad.
Tuya, Chairman and Deputy General Mana-
ger of FCC Construcción, the new CEO of
Alpine, Johannes Dotter, presented the plan
for the next few years. The key target is to
increase the company’s profitability twofold
and to create a more agile structure.
Dotter has wagered on “honest, sincere,
and transparent information” for reporting
and sharing the strategic objectives.
All participants worked during the seminar
in round tables answering questions sub-
mitted by the moderators. This format
encourages the integration of teams and
increases involvement in the development