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246 million euro
contract in
Juan Béjar,
appointed executive
chairman of
Portland Valderrivas
FCC’s is making great strides in its interna-
tionalisation strategy. Romania’s National
Railway Company (RFC) has awarded FCC
a 246 million Euro contract to refurbish and
upgrade the Sighişoara-Atel section of the
Simeria-Braşov railway line, in Transylvania,
north of Bucharest. FCC leads a consor-
tium comprising its construction division
together with subsidiary Alpine, and cons-
truction company Azvi.
The project consists of the refurbishment
and revamping of 28 kilometres of double-
tracked electrified line. As a result of this
project, passenger trains will be able to tra-
vel at up to 160 kilometres per hour, and
freight trains at up to 120 kilometres per
This section of railway is part of Pan-Euro-
pean Transport Corridor IV and the contract
is financed by the European Union. Execu-
tion of the project is expected to take up to
36 months.
The project contemplates the execution of
four bypasses measuring a total of almost
9 kilometres and remodelling of two pas-
senger stations and two unstaffed stations.
The partners will also build an arched via-
duct with a 125 metre-span and two tun-
nels measuring 1,370 metres in total.
The Board of Directors of Cementos Port-
land Valderrivas approved the appointment
of Juan Béjar Ochoa as executive chairman
of the group.
Juan Béjar holds a degree in law and bu-
siness from Comillas Pontifical University
(ICADE) in Madrid. Mr Béjar will continue
as executive chairman of Globalvia, a 50-
50 joint venture between Bankia and FCC.
Previously, he was chairman of Citigroup In-
frastructure Management, Citigroup’s sub-
sidiary responsible for infrastructure asset
management, where he raised 3.4 billion
dollars for investment in the sector and the
subsequent management of those assets.
Prior to working for Citigroup in London, he
was managing director of Ferrovial Infra-
estructuras, and executive vice-chairman
and managing director of Cintra (a Ferrovial
subsidiary), overseeing the latter company’s
expansion and IPO, as well as the acquisi-
tion of the world’s largest toll road, the 407
ETR, in Toronto. Ferrovial’s acquisition of
BAA also took place during his tenure.
The new executive chairman has extensive
experience in the cement industry. He was
head of planning and controller at Hisalba,
the world’s leading cement company in the
1980s, and later held the post of general
manager of UMAR, the international divi-
sion of Holderbank, currently Holcim.
Juan Béjar (54) will replace the current
chairman of the group, Dieter Kiefer, who
has held that post since December 2008.