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Torrejón de Ardoz
renews its
trust in
for another
15 years
Cemusa won the project put out to tender
by the Torrejón de Ardoz city council calling
for the renovation and upgrade of its street
furniture for an initial period of 15 years.
Cemusa, which has been operating in the
city since 2001, will be installing, pursuant
to this contract, over 160 different types of
advertising structures including information
panels, receptacles for battery recycling,
clocks, thermometers, and other items.
Torrejón de Ardoz is one of the cities boas-
ting the greatest economic and business
activity in the Madrid Autonomous Commu-
nity. Its location along the Henares Corri-
dor and its good communications network
make it an attractive site for industrial te-
chnological and service sector businesses.
With a population of more than 118,000
inhabitants and more than 30% of this po-
pulation between the ages of 20 and 35,
the city has been transformed thanks to the
development of new residential and com-
mercial areas and greater green areas such
as Parque Europa.
Thanks to this new contract, Cemusa sho-
res up its offering of street furniture in the
Madrid Autonomous Community where,
besides managing the city furniture in the
capital city, it rounds up its offering with ad-
vertising supports in the main townships in
the metropolitan area.