Page 12 - FCC-N9-eng

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fnishes drilling
Pinglu tunnel in China
FCC’s Austrian subsidiary has completed
drilling the longest tunnel in the world in
China using a single tunnel boring machine.
After 5 years of intense work, Alpine com-
pleted drilling the 24-kilometer tunnel with a
diameter of 4.2 meters through rugged te-
rrain in China. The tunnel will ensure water
supply to the Daton, Shouzhou and Pinglu
that suffer from a serious shortage of water
resources. Tunnel drilling operations are
part of the “Yellow River Transfer Project”
worth an investment of 50 million euro.
Construction of the tunnel involved the use
of 85,000 concrete segments, prefabrica-
ted at the site. More than 400 local workers
participated in the drilling operations.
Since 1997, ALPINE has been
taking part in the Yellow River
Transfer Project
Since 1997, Alpine has working on several
pumping projects for the Yellow River Trans-
fer Project. The water from the river must be
pumped 264 meters over the river’s normal
water level before it can fow a distance of
167 kilometres to the driest regions of the
Chinese Shanxi province.
Between 1997 and 2001, FCC’s Austria
subsidiary has built two large-capacity
pumping stations for this purpose.