Page 11 - FCC-N9-eng

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The Panama Hospital Complex contract
is another milestone in the internationa-
lisation strategy of FCC, whose majority
shareholder is Esther Koplowitz. In the
words of Baldomero Falcones, Chairman
and CEO of FCC, this project “ratifes the
company’s move into Panama, a stable
country experiencing steady growth and
with an ambitious modernisation pro-
gramme based on infrastructure inves-
tment”. With this hospital, FCC has 2.3
billion euro worth of projects under deve-
lopment or awarded in Panama
The company’s most emblematic pro-
ject in Panama is the construction of the
region’s frst metro line, which will traver-
se Panama City. Additionally, last year
the Panama Canal Authority awarded
FCC the contract to build a new access
channel from the Pacifc as part of the
project to build the third set of locks at
Regional leading
player with a
backlog of nearly
2.3 billion Euros
ty in Central America. The local authorities
estimate the facility will provide care to a
population of 1.5 million people.
Taller de Arquitectura Sánchez Horneros
(TASH), the Spanish architecture frm which
designed the project, focused especially
on the environmental and weather condi-
tions of the area, “adapting the design to
the country’s climate.” The complex will be
built to withstand tropical rain storms, with
solar protection, and the buildings will be
oriented according to the prevailing winds.
This is a turnkey project, that is, FCC will
undertake the design, obtain permits, de-
velop the site, conduct environmental im-
pact studies, and build, fnance and outft
the complex, with fnal delivery to Panama’s
Social Security Administration scheduled
within 36 months.
Another project is the construction of the
Bajo Frío dam in the Chiriqui province near
the border with Costa Rica between the
townships of Breñón and Santa Cruz in
the Renacimiento district, and Gómez, in
the Bugaba district in Panama. The aim of
the hydraulic project is to take advantage
of the waterfalls at the Chiriqui Viejo River
which originates near the volcano Baru, at a
height of 3,500 meters. The dam is expec-
ted to produce 58 MW of power.
FCCs Construction’s other projects in Pa-
nama include the design, construction
and environmental impact surveys for the
freeways leading to the second bridge
over the Panama Canal; various road
upgrade, maintenance and widening
projects; and the clean-up of Panama
In March, Panama’s Health Ministry
awarded FCC Construction a 92.7
million euro contract to design, build,
equip and fnance the Luis Chicho Fá-
brega Hospital near Santiago, the ca-
pital of Veraguas province. Financing
for the project was completed at the
end of August.