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Social Responsibility
The Aggreegates Division of the Cemen-
tos Portland Valderrivas Group won the
frst prize in the Company Category for its
Contribution to the Economy /Added Value
to Society in the Federation’s Sustainable
Development awards.
The prize was granted for encouraging
good relations and contributing with its ac-
Aggregates Federation
prize to the
Andujar plant
tivity to the economic and social develop-
ment of the township. As such, it received
this distinction in recognition of its good
management of the plant in Andujar (Jaén).
The objective of the Aggregates division is
to ensure that everyone who lives where
its plants are situated to beneft, either as
a direct employee, supplier of materials or
services, or consumers of it products.
The division also donated part of the
grounds already exploited for the creation
of a landfll site for inert materials at this lo-
cality. The prize therefore, recognises the
sustainable management efforts made by
the Cementos Valderrivas Group as one of
its top priorities.