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The SPA at Los Alcázares, Murcia
hosted the
Spanish Championship
for the
Mentally Challenged
The Aqualia-managed Punta Calera Spa
situated in Los Alcázares (Murcia), since
2008 has hosted the Spanish Swimming
Championship for the Mentally Challenged
every month of July. The event is organi-
zed by several associations, including the
Spanish Sports Federation for the Mentally
Challenged, the Sniero Sports Council, and
the ONCE Foundation.
The objective of this championship is to
promote and develop sports for the menta-
lly challenged in Spain, offering options and
opportunities so that each individual is able
to be an active member of society.
Aqualia works in several townships where it
manages sports facilities and collaborates
with several institutions to encourage swi-
mming as a sport for this group of people,
being well aware of the benefts derived
from its practice. One such example is De-
nia, where the company has entered into an
agreement with the Association of the Disa-
bled enabling it to use the Sports Center.
A moment at the swimming held at the Punta Calera Spa in Los Alcázares, Murcia.