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Waste Recycling
Group Limited is one of the
leading British companies
in waste management and
in waste-to-energy
Waste Recycling Group
consulting services on clinical waste
Thousands of businesses that produce clinical
waste could beneft from a free audit to enable
them to comply with the most recent legislation
on waste management.
Waste Recycling Group (WRG) is getting in
touch with more than 7,000 households,
veterinary clinics, and public and private
clinics throughout the United Kingdom to
offer them a detailed audit of their waste
management systems.
“Current law in clinical waste management
is very strict, and rightly so”, said Paul Bur-
ness, Manager of WRG Commercial and
Industrial Sales”.
Fines imposed for breaching these laws
can be quite steep and we hope that WRG
clinical waste experts can add real value
by offering advice on the best practices,
addressing those aspects regarding which
companies are in compliance with current
law, and offering ideas on how to reduce
costs and enhance effciency”.
WRG in Barrow and Lillyhall, in the Lakes
district is offering a 10 sterling pound dis-
count households and companies for the
rental of different types of containers and
containers on wheels. The offer, which
ends in October, is being disseminated
through an advertising campaign in local
radio stations and though mailings.