meets with experts in
from all parts of the world
“TOMORROW The future of OOH” is the tile
of the 52nd edition of the Annual Congress
of FEPE International, the International Fe-
deration of Outdoor Advertising – held in
Madrid from 25 to 27 May. During the ses-
sion, representatives from the leading com-
panies in the industry discussed the current
situation and future of outdoor advertising.
At this edition Eric Marotel, Managing Di-
rector of the Cemusa Group and Vice-
Chairman of the Federation, was in charge
of welcoming all the participants to the city
of Madrid, the largest outdoor planning,
decision-making, and consumer of outdo-
or advertising in Spain. In his address, he
highlighted the important metamorphoses
that the city has undergone in recent years,
making it one of Europe’s great capitals for
doing business.
During the congress, which brought to-
gether around 190mdelegates from 29
countries, industry professionals submitted
papers mostly relating to the future of this
medium, focusing on the challenges ahead,
new business opportunities, regulations
and legislation, initiatives in connection
with the environment, innovation, techno-
logy and new digital supports. Noteworthy
among the speakers were Spanish profes-
sionals such as Rafael Urbano, Managing
Director of the media agency MPG Ibera,
and Antonio Morales, the Commercial and
Marketing Director of CEMUSA Spain and
Chairman of AEPE (the Spanish Outdoor
Advertising Association) who analyzed, res-
pectively, the new roles being adopted by
the outdoor medium as a communication
channel between the brand and the con-
sumer, and the present and future of the
medium in Spain.
CEMUSA, as a member of FEPE and the
event’s host company, has collaborated
very closely with the federation in choosing
the venues for staging all the functions and
the social agenda and the social program
and has lent its technical and human re-
sources support to ensure the smooth run-
ning of the event.
For further information
on the congress, go to:
Eric Marotel, Managing Director of Grupo CEMUSA and Vice-Chairman of the Fede-
ration, was in charge of welcoming all participants.