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cars owned both by individuals and com-
In line with its environmental commitments,
FCC has built its frst electricity service sta-
tion in Albacete to provide power for elec-
tric vehicles.
NORTHGATE is the leader in fexible renting
in Europe and Spain. It has a feet of 52,000
vehicles in Spain, 25 regional offces, a
structure of more than 1,000 employees,
33 proprietary workshops and 32,000 con-
tracted external workshops, assuring cus-
tomers with the highest levels of service.
Its revenues for the last year were close
to EUR 250 million. Its activity focuses on
renting industrial vehicles with a frm com-
mitment to ecological cars.
The NORTHGATE Group is a European
benchmark in vehicle renting services.
Number one in fexible renting in the Uni-
ted Kingdom, Ireland and Spain, the Group
is listed on the London Stock Exchange
(NTG). The company has over 100 branch
offces in these three countries, and more
than 3,000 employees.
C’s construction division
From left to right:, Julio Senador, head
of FCC Construccion’s institutional
relations; Vicente Cerezuela, FCC Fleet
Manager; Fernando Cogollos, mana-
ging director of Northgate; José María
Seoane, manager of FCC Corporate
Expenses and General Services; Ave-
lino Acero, managing director of FCC
Construcción; and Eduardo González,
managing director of FCC Energía.