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Corporate FCC,

classifed in SAM Silver Class by Dow Jones Sustainability Index

FCC has obtained the Silver Class cate-gory from Sustainable Asset Management (SAM), which publishes and licenses the Dow Jones Sustainability World Indexes, comprised of more than 300 companies from 27 countries.

SAM recently published its Sustainabi-lity Yearbook 2011, which compiles the awards given to companies that are outs-tanding for their commitment to and perfor-mance in sustainability and corporate social responsibility; FCC was distinguished with SAM’s Silver Class and listed in the Heavy Construction sector.

This is the third consecutive year that FCC has been included in the Dow Jones Sus-tainability World and European Indices, and this distinction recognises the Citizen Servi-ces company’s commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

Financial performance

The Sustainability Yearbook 2011, which refers to the 2010 fgures, highlights FCC’s economic performance, recognising it as a global leader in its sector (heavy cons-truction), in the economic dimension and in three of the fve criteria: risk and crisis ma-nagement, codes of conduct (compliance, anti-corruption and bribery), and non-fnan-cial project evaluation.

Experts at Dow Jones, the world’s leading securities and business index company,

also gave FCC the top score in two of the environmental criteria: environmental repor-ting, and transport and logistics.

The consolidation of FCC’s position among the world’s most sustainable companies re-fects a series of actions and achievements in the area of social responsibility by the Group, whose main shareholder is Esther Koplowitz. These included the promotion of integrity through awareness-raising and training, which facilitate compliance with the Code of Ethics, the equality and ha-rassment prevention policies, and the crea-tion of the Procurement Department, which applies social responsibility criteria when selecting and evaluating suppliers.

The Citizens’ Services Company has also implemented risk management initiatives, which address environmental and social risks. The company obtained a notable reduction in waste production and energy consumption, and it reduced greenhouse gas emissions, avoiding the release of more than 1.5 million tonnes of CO2. The company’s implementation of its Human Resources Strategic Plan, approved in 2009, was also viewed as very positive.

FCC stood out for its policies to attract and retain talent; provide training and professio-nal development for staff; results in work-place health and safety (in both accident rates and in the culture and management of workplace safety); and its social dialogue and enhancement of programmes with so-cial benefts for workers, their family mem-bers, and disadvantaged groups, such as the Familia plan with Adecco Foundation and the INSERTA agreement signed with Once.

FCC is one of the most sustainable companies

in the world

The Dow Jones Sustainability Index selects companies which are commited to sustainable growth and shareholder value creation; the businesses in the index comply with more than

90 strict economic, social and environmental criteria.

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