Page 9 - FCC-N10-eng

SEO Version

Interview with
lgnacio Fernández Carpintero
Head of Labour Relations. FCC Environment Madrid Ofice.
• How did the initiative for organizing
these seminars come up
This initiative is based on the experience of
those of us who work at the Madrid offce
for integration. We were very impressed the
frst time that we visited the centre for the
disabled and consider that it was a tremen-
dously enriching experience. Since then,
we understood that it was necessary to
share this experience with other people in
Nuestros derechos
también son los tuyos
our branch offce. The issue of integration is
everybody’s business.
• Since when have you been cooperating
with FSC Inserta?
Our collaboration with FSC Inserta used to
be somewhat occasional. The collaboration
agreement executed by FCC and FSC In-
serta provided the opportunity to build brid-
ges thanks to which, the occasional colla-
boration evolved into a shared program.
• What prompted you to work on integra-
ting people with disabilities?
We fully identify with the values projec-
ted by FCC: The Company’s manage-
ment has been developing policies that
generate social value for the company
and this includes the commitment to
service and collaboration.
• What is the current status of this
collaboration? How many people are
currently working in your organiza-
tion? What types of disabilities do
they have?
The balance for 2011 is positive; 13
people with disabilities were hired, in-
creasing the total number of disabled
working at the Madrid Environment
branch offce to 113 people. There are
various types of disabilities and the
only common denominator is their ca-
pabilities and their enthusiasm at the
workplace. .
• What are the plans for the future in
this respect?
We are mainly working on maintaining
the projects that have been implemented
and our goal is to be the leader in diversity,
integration, and equality.
• What is your assessment of the profes-
sional performance of these workers?
One of the essential aspects demonstrated
in this seminar is that workers with disabi-
lities are more committed and contribute
to creating a more pleasant work environ-
• What is the contribution of these RSE-
D policies to your business activity?
RSE-D is a necessity and, accordingly, an
obligation. Companies must be committed
to the reality of our scenario and must be-
come increasingly concerned with social
and environmental issues. This is also a
very exciting challenge.
• In what area should we, as an organi-
zation, focus our efforts?
Integration is the responsibility of compa-
nies, managers, workers, in short, of the
entire organization. We should try to have
the entire organization become involved
and make our best efforts to ensure that
each of us can play an active role in job in-
tegration initiatives and policies.
• Do you have any current training pro-
grams for people with disabilities or do
you plan to have one in the near future?
We are working on improving our training
courses, striving to make them more per-