Page 10 - FCC-N10-eng

SEO Version

works for
social integration
To implement the social
action policies drafed by
the Human Resources-
Corporate division and
to underscore our com-
mitment to the communi-
ties to which FCC provides
its services, the Madrid
branch of FCC Environment
organized the First Semi-
nar for the Homeless on
20 and 21 December.
This activity is within the framework of
FCC’s collaboration with Samur Social in
Madrid, the city where the company has a
street cleaning contract.
Collaboration consists mainly in information
that workers of the Madrid Environment
branch offce provide on the homeless and
also involves reporting social emergency si-
tuations to Samur Social.
Darío Pérez Madera, head of the Samur
Social and Homeless department, organi-
zed the seminar which was coordinated by
Miguel Ángel Garrido Simón, the manager
in charge of FCC’s street cleaning services
in Madrid’s Tetuan and Fuencarral districts.
Along these lines and, coinciding with the
International Day of Persons with Disabili-
ties celebrated on the 3rd of December, this
Madrid branch offce held its “First Seminar
for Building Awareness on Disability” orga-
nized jointly with the FSC Inserta Madrid
local offce. Olga Navarro Treviño, regional
manager of FCC Inserta and technicians
from that entity, María Pastor Pastor and
José Ignacio Gimeno Pérez participated in
this event. FCC was represented by Raúl
Pérez Vega, manager of this branch offce,
and José Ignacio Carpintero, in addition to
several employees, including technicians
and managers.
This experience is extremely interesting sin-
ce it contributes to supporting the deploy-
ment of the Inserta Agreement, the com-
mitment undertaken by FCC in November
2010 for the purpose of integrating people
with disabilities in the organization.