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improves its positioning in
best company
FCC‘s human resources strategy aimed at
combining the commitment of people with
the Group’s overall objectives, receives re-
cognition. The MERCO Persona Observa-
tory of Corporate Reputation 2011 refects
that the Citizens’ Services Group advanced
19 positions in the ranking (to position num-
ber 44) ahead of other companies such as
ACS, Ferrovial, and Agbar.
The Spain Monitor of Corporate Reputation
(Merco, Spanish acronym) analyzes people
management strategies implemented by
the corporate world. Those who participa-
ted in the study pointed out that career de-
velopment, motivation, recognition as well
as ethical and professional values are the
most important variables contributing to the
positive assessment of a company.
As to FCC, the positive rating recognises its
efforts towards making progress in enhan-
cing its corporate reputation as well as the
personal and professional development of
its employees in a good working environ-
ment thanks to the effcient management of
the Human Resources specialised services
in the context of diversity and internationa-
The company pays special attention to
talent management, drafting plans for at-
tracting and retaining professionals and
by promoting initiatives to identify the best
employees, encouraging them to become
part of an effcient and dynamic corporate
culture that facilitates optimal career deve-
The Merco Personas 2011 study included
a survey of 11,829 people whose answers
indicated that career development is one of
the factors that they value most in a com-
pany, followed by motivation and recogni-
tion, and the company’s ethical and pro-
fessional values. The pride of belonging to
such an organization ranked fourth among
those who participated in the survey, ahead
of reconciliation of work and family life, as
well as salary.
These criteria represent a signifcant chan-
ge in comparison with the study conducted
in the previous year when in which payroll,
based on the response of those who parti-
cipated in the survey, was considered the
top priority.
For the frst time, Inditex was the frst com-
pany in this ranking, considered most va-
lued company in Spain. It was followed
by Mercadona and Iberdrola. Ten fnancial
entities were among the top ten compa-
nies in which to work: Banco Santander in
the fourth place, BBVA in the ninth place,
and Caixabank in the tenth place. Among
foreign companies, Google and Microsoft
ranked ffth and sixth, respectively, whi-
le Telefónica came in seventh and Repsol
ranked in the eighth place.
Those who participated in the study
considered career development, motivation,
recognition, and ethical and professional values
as the most important variables for the positive
assessment of a company.
Francisco Martin Monteagudo, managing direc-
tor of FCC’s Human Resources Department