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ranks as world’s
atractive city
for business
New York leads
the global ranking and
Madrid ranks fourth
among its
European rivals.
FCC and Citi sponsored the frst survey, which analyses
the most competitive global fnancial centres and the
best cities for business
Madrid has been ranked seventh in the
world and fourth in Europe among the best
cities in which to live, work, and invest, ac-
cording to Euromoney magazine’s 2011
Global Cities Survey, sponsored by FCC
and Citi.
The prestigious magazine has published
a report on the most competitive global
fnancial centres and the leading cities in
the world for doing business, using seven
yardsticks: infrastructure, technology & in-
novation, sustainability, education, health-
care, and fnancial competitiveness. The
survey was based on an analysis of hard
data on these categories together with a
perception-based survey of C-suite exe-
cutives in multinational corporations and
fnancial institutions around the world.
More than 400 international executives par-
ticipated in the survey. The authors of “Glo-
bal Cities 2011” used statistical data from
national and city governments and databa-
ses with information such as the number
of graduates per 100,000 inhabitants, per-
sonal bank loans as a percentage of GDP,
and the number of multinational corporate
headquarters established in a city.
New York was named the best city for busi-
ness in this inaugural “Global Cities” survey,
receiving 68 out of 100 points (scores are
the sum of the weighted survey responses
and the magazine’s analysis) in compari-
son with 59.26 points scored by Madrid.
Frankfurt came in second, with, 62.32 po-
ints. Madrid scored 59.26 points.
According to Edward Harding, Managing
Director of Euromoney, the world’s largest
cities are looking to raise funds to impro-
Euromoney “Global Cities” Index