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most competitive and
Ana Botella, mayor of Madrid, collects the price awarded to
Madrid, rated the seventh most competitive and attractive city for
conducting business.
ve citizens’ living standards, which they will
do either by investing in infrastructure and
transportation, creating a green economy,
or simply addressing the most urgent cha-
llenges, such as urban planning.
Healthcare, sustainability
and infrastructure
Madrid’s top scores were in the following
categories: healthcare (second place), sus-
tainability and taxes (third in both catego-
ries), hard infrastructure (fourth) and tech-
nology and innovation (ffth). In the area of
infrastructure, the city came ahead of Paris,
Hong Kong, and Singapore. Senior execu-
tives based in Madrid were more satisfed
with the city’s infrastructure than their peers
in many other parts of the world.
According to Baldomero Falcones, Chair-
man and CEO of FCC: “Modern city gover-
nments know that today’s citizens think not
only nationally, but also locally and globally.
This change in mentality, combining global
and local outlooks, requires cities to make
intelligent use of infrastructure and munici-
pal services in order to be competitive.”
Madrid also gained top scores from the
quantitative indicators for its high level of
international connectivity and the quality of
its long distance travel infrastructure. The
city also performed strongly for the quality
of the workforce, and the breadth and di-
versity of the fnancial services sector.
Citi and FCC’s interest in drafting this re-
port stems from their close ties with cities
and citizen services. William Van Dyke, Citi
Country Offcer for Spain: “Both Citi and
FCC aim to serve the large cities where we
operate. We launched an initiative called
Citi for Cities which aims to help large glo-
bal cities, especially in emerging countries,
improve both management effciency and
services for citizens. Citi for Cities responds
to three major trends that are changing our
world: globalisation and the multiplier effect
of cities on world trade, urbanisation, and
The prestigious
magazine examined 83
cities and 57 countries