Page 8 - FCC-N10-eng

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To commemorate International Day of Per-
sons with Disabilities, celebrated every year
on 3 December, the central regional Area of
the Environment organized it frst Disabili-
ty Awareness Seminars the day before the
event jointly with the FSC Inserta Madrid
territorial delegation.
Among those participating in the event was
Olga Navarro Treviño, the regional manager
of FSC Inserta, accompanied by experts
from this entity, María Pastor Pastor and
José Ignacio Gimeno Pérez. FCC was re-
presented by Raúl Pérez Vega, the Service
Manager of this delegation, and José Igna-
cio Fernández Carpintero, in addition to a
large number of employees, including te-
chnicians and managers of this delegation.
The experience is extremely interesting sin-
ce it provides support for the deployment
of the Inserta Agreement, a commitment
subscribed by FCC in November 2010 to
Disability Awareness
Seminars at
integrate people with disabilities within the
Group. Building awareness is one of the
most important measures to be able to
achieve the involvement of the entire orga-
nization in hiring people with disabilities, be-
fore joining the work force and afterwards.
A video was produced describing the expe-
rience of two colleagues who work full-time
at the Barcelona Environment offces. Their
work attitude, commitment, desire to get
ahead, and their high level of involvement
and enthusiasm are just some of the many
positive traits mentioned by their bosses
and colleagues.
Promoted by FCC’s major shareholder,
Esther Koplowitz, the agreement was
executed on 18 November 2010 by Bal-
domero Falcones, chairman and CEO of
FCC, and the chairman of ONCE and its
foundation, Miguel Carballeda. It is one of
the activities, co-funded by the European
Social Fund, that the ONCE Foundation
is carrying out as part of its Talent Pro-
gram Baldomero Falcones stated that
the commitment to the disabled at FCC
“is part of our DNA and our Strategic
Plan” and that having the ONCE Founda-
tion as a partner provided great security.
Agreement with Inserta and background
The Inserta Agreement will make it possible for 150 people with disabilities to join the FCC
workforce over the next three years.
FSC Inserta, the ONCE Foundation orga-
nization for the employment and training of
people with disabilities screens the candi-
dates and collaborates in promoting the ne-
cessary training measures in order to adapt
the profles to the jobs offered by FCC.
FCC also aims to promote the indirect in-
corporation in the workforce of people with
disabilities by purchasing their products
and by hiring the services of the Special
Employment Centres of ONCE and its
The FCC Environment division in Barce-
lona has been collaborating with ONCE
and its foundation for over more than ten
years and has entered into an agreement
with FSC Inserta. Thanks to this collabo-
ration, 73 people with disabilities have
been hired through the intermediation of
the ONCE Foundation’s job integration