.A.S.A. manages a waste-to-energy plant in
the Austrian town of Zistersdorf, 50 kilome-
tres north of Vienna and 70 kilometres from
Himbert, headquarters of the .A.S.A. Group
in Austria.
Do you want to know how it works? Do
you know what really happens inside the
incinerator plant and that the incineration of
treated waste drives the turbine producing
suffcient electricity for 30,000 households?
Built on a 10 hectare plot, owned by FCC,
the modern energy-to-waste plant opera-
ted by .A.S.A. in Zistersdorf is fed with non-
hazardous solid urban and industrial waste
to generate electricity almost the same as in
traditional power plants.
The impact
on the environment
is minimised
thanks to the use
of railway transport.
Explore the
Zistersdorf waste-to-energy
plant from the inside
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