Page 40 - FCC-N10-eng

SEO Version

The process is very effcient. The plant con-
verts trash into energy through controlled
combustion, using advanced emission-
control equipment.
The incineration process saves primary
energy (a comparable power production
would need about 40 million litres of oil) and
also produces resources vital to the steel
industry (removal of scrap- up to about
35.000 tons a year). The impact on the en-
vironment is minimized thanks to the use of
railway transport (up to 70%) to deliver the
input material, effective cleaning of fue ga-
ses, no effuents and less usage of potable
.A.S.A. has prepared an informative anima-
tion of the entire process.
If you wish to learn more about the process,
clink on the picture below.