Page 38 - FCC-N10-eng

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FCC Group
participates in a
benchmarking study
of good
practices in occupational hazards prevention
FCC, as a reference Citizen Services Com-
pany and on behalf of Asociación Española
de Servicios de Prevención Laboral (AES-
PLA), is participating in a benchmarking
study on the prevention of occupational
hazards being carried out by the CEOE
and approved by the Board of Trustees of
the Foundation for the Prevention of Occu-
pational Hazards: Application of the Fra-
mework Directive in E.U. Member States.
This plan is on the back of the work which
began in 2010 aimed at identifying good
preventive practices to comply with the cor-
porate objectives of European Union coun-
tries as part of the Framework Directive for
the Prevention of Occupational Hazards.
FCC’s participation through its affliates, Al-
pine, FCC Construcción, Flightcare, Cemu-
sa, WRG and .A.S.A., consists of flling in
a form and participating in open interviews
on management and standards in connec-
tion with the prevention of occupational ha-
zards in some of the countries where they
carry out their activities: Austria, Romania,
Belgium, Italy, Poland, and the United King-
We appreciate the
participation of our
afiliates without which
it would not have been
possible to obtain
precise data in the
On 12 December, FCC participated in the
seminar for the presentation of the study
and preview of the results that took place at
the CEOE headquarters in Madrid. The ob-
jective was to know the impact of the requi-
rements and obligations of the Framework
Directive in European Union countries,
using Spain as a reference and identify the
problem resolution models that have been
Before submitting the study, representati-
ves of the collaborating companies descri-
bed their corporate vision on the differen-
ces on occupational hazard prevention in
EU countries.
Juan Carlos Sáez de Rus, the director of
Occupational Hazard Prevention, spoke
on the problems detected in several coun-
tries where the company operates: diverse
components; different conceptualisations,
as well as the complex social and cultural
realities, language barriers, specifc laws,
and other issues.
More information at: