Page 37 - FCC-N10-eng

SEO Version

Common measures
the prevention of occupational
hazards at the
FCC Group
The FCC Prevention Committee, compri-
sing the safety and occupational health
corporate division, management from di-
fferent business areas responsible for this
matter, and with the support of the Human
Resources division, continues to work on
developing a global scope covering all FCC
activities in Spain and abroad.
This vision is defned by six blocks of mea-
sures, in line with global awareness and the
identifcation of common values in safety
and occupational health at FCC:
1. Internationalisation:
hensive prevention management to
ensure the international commitment
to safety and occupational health as
contemplated in the PRL Corporate
Policy. We also have implemented
Global Reporting of data through
the Horizon tool which is year is
fed with more and better informa-
tion on our international activities.
2. Standardisation:
by creating the
objective procedures and systems
and applicable systems for the en-
tire organization (Policy, Corporate
Manual, etc.) that can then be adap-
ted to the different business units,
ensuring involvement and results.
3. Communication:
the idea be-
hind this is to share, bolster, and
expand the organization’s com-
mitment to the prevention of oc-
cupational hazards through diffe-
rent platforms and campaigns.
4. Integration:
cal and functional responsibili-
ty in a global organizational chart.
5. Optimisation:
joint plans invol-
ving collaboration, commitment
and progress in achieving objec-
tives (information systems, ma-
nagement score cards, etc.).
6. Visibility:
with actions promoting
the prevention activity at all organi-
zational levels, either through a Com-
munication Plan or through activities
carried out such as the PRL Awards.
Program of activities for 2012
Several actions are contemplated for 2012
aimed at increasing and improving informa-
tion; the implementation of the Corporate
Manual; adaptation of the PRL Manage-
ment System in the various areas as well
as expanding the coverage of the OHSAS
Certifcate, among other measures, for the
common purpose, reiterated each year, of
“O Accidents” that today is a fact of life in
many of our projects.
A clear example of these six principles
which are part of the Organization’s pre-
vention approach is the launch of the Road
Safety Strategic Plan. One of the objectives
for 2012 is the international deployment of
this plan.
Presentations of the Occupational Hazards
Prevention Department at Human
Resources meetings