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Social Responsibility
hosts the launch of the
European R&D project
On Wednesday, 8 November, a meeting
was held in Madrid to launch CETIEB,
“Cost-Effective Tools for Better Indoor En-
vironment in Retroftted Energy Effcient
Buildings”. The manager of Innovation and
Francisco Esteban Lefer, was in charge of
welcoming the project participants on be-
half of the entire FCC Group.
CETIEB is an R&D project funded by the
European Union under the Seventh Fra-
mework Programme, and it is coordinated
by the University of Stuttgart. Along with
FCC, the participants include undertakings
and research centres such as Schwenk
Putztechnik GmbH and the Fraunhofer Ins-
titute from Germany; RED, Università Poli-
tecnica delle Marche and STAM from Italy;
the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et
aux Energies Alternatives from France and
Delap & Waller Ecoco Limited from Ireland.
The project has a total budget of 3.5 million
euro, of which 2.5 million will be funded by
the EU, and it has a 36-month completion
period. The project’s main objective is to
develop innovative solutions for better en-
vironmental quality monitoring indoors and
to conduct research into active and passive
systems for environmental quality control.
FCC is participating in four of the eight work
packages, and it is leading package 7, “De-
monstration”, in which the effciency of the
technologies developed under the project
will be demonstrated in a real building. For
this endeavour it will have the decisive coo-
peration of Zone II of FCC CONSTRUC-
Lastly, the fndings are going to be dissemi-
nated and recommendations are going to
be made for future EU legislation and re-
Francisco Esteban Lefer, director of Innovation and Technology at FCC Construcción, welcomed the
guests on behalf of the entire FCC Group.