Page 30 - FCC-N10-eng

SEO Version

The FCC Executive Committee approved
the creation of the Group’s Climate Change
Committee as the body in charge of coor-
dinating the fght against climate change.
Its chief objective will be to develop the en-
vironmental strategy of the company and
its business areas, focusing on managing
the risks associated with climate change,
although the key focus will be analysis and
the means to seize opportunities that may
The conditions that that led to the creation
of this committee is the new European cli-
mate change strategy which modifes the
emission trading rights that applies to new
FCC activities are as follows: the fact that
FCC as a citizen service company wants
to be part of the solution to the problem
of high emission concentrations in cities in
the coming decades; the need to adopt a
water management strategy that contem-
FCC Group
creates the
Climate Change Commitee
plates the effects of climate change in water
resources, including fooding and droughts;
the commitments that FCC undertook in
2009 for managing and reducing the en-
vironmental impact when it approved its
Environmental Policy; and the company’s
ability to offer services and build and design
infrastructures using less energy, creating
less emissions, and, in general, with lower
environmental impact adapted to adverse
climate conditions or conditions that could
change in the future.
Headed by José Manuel Velasco, the ma-
naging director of Group Communication
and Corporate Responsibility, the members
of the committee will be: Eduardo Gonza-
lez, managing director of FCC Energy and
Sustainability and José Ignacio Elorrieta, the
corporate director of Environment, Sustai-
nability, Innovation and Knowledge Mana-
gement at Cementos Portland Valderrivas,
both of whom will act as vice-chairmen of
the committee; and representatives of the
corporate divisions of Corporate Respon-
sibility at Cementos Portland Valderrivas,
FCC Construcción, Aqualia, FCC Ámbito,
FCC Medio Ambiente, FCC Energía, and
FCC Logística.
The main functions of the FCC Climate
Change Committee will be: monitoring the
inventory of greenhouse gas emissions at
FCC; analyzing the risks and new opportu-
nities for FCC in regards to climate change;
defning FCC’s strategy in relation to adap-
ting and mitigating climate change so as to
make it a competitive advantage; drafting
replies to external queries from relevant
stakeholders in relation to climate change;
and, in general, become the main authori-
ty in the Group on climate change related