Page 29 - FCC-N10-eng

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Social Responsibility
A year of
successful initiatives
FCC Volunteers ended the year with several
Christmas season activities at the Collado
Villalba (Madrid), Barcelona, and Valencia
retirement homes. To read about these ac-
tivities, visit the volunteer website at: http://
At the Nuestra Casa de Collado Villalba
retirement home, as in previous years, a
Christmas party was celebrated featuring
the children’s ballet Labella & Artiguez.
Many of the speakers and volunteers so-
cialised with the elderly and personnel at
the home.
The cycle of conference, now in its third
year, also continued over the past two
months at the Collado Villalba and Barce-
lona homes.
The speakers at the Nuestra Casa de Colla-
do Villalba home during this period included:
Carmen Aymerich who spoke on “The Wis-
dom that comes with Age”; the secretary
general of the Wood federation (FECOMA-
CCOO), Fernando Serrano Pernas gave a
speech on “Safety and prevention in the
construction business”; the general mana-
ger of FCC Versia, Carlos Barón shared his
passion for Greek and Roman mythology
giving a speech on this subject; the mayor
of Santo Domingo de Silos, Emeterio Mar-
tín, brought facsimile copies of the several
medieval manuscripts and spoke on the
“Illustrated manuscripts for Kings, Popes,
and Princesses”. Dr. Rafael Echevarria de
Rada, head of FCC’s medical services ta-
lked about arthritis, and Dr. Rosa Meiriño,
an oncologist at the La Luz clinic gave a
speech to the residents on regenerative
medicine. The last speaker at this conferen-
ce cycle was Patricia Camacho who spoke
on the strength of optimism.
In the Barcelona home, the managing di-
rector of Tecnitoys-Scalextric, Sergio Pas-
tor, talked to the residents about the impli-
cations of the current economic crisis and
how to face it with realism and optimism.
Jesús Hernandez, a technician specialising
in occupational health and the environment
at the Mapfre Foundation also visited the La
Nostra Casa de Fort Pienc, Barcelona and
Nuestra Casa de Collado Villalba, Madrid
homes and explained the steps that the
elderly should follow to avoid accidents, gi-
ven a speech entitled “Being more careful”.
The corporate citizenship initiative, FCC
Volunteers, capped a great year and re-
ceived the award for the Best Community
Commitment Initiative” in the Madrid auto-
nomous community by the Construction
and Wood Foundation. Prior to this award,
the program was also the winner of the Ci-
tizens Awards 2010 prize which was given
by Ángel García, the chairman of the charity
“Messengers for Peace”.