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FCC Volunteers,
honoured at the
15th Edition of the
FCC Volunteers were honoured as fnalists
in the Corporate Volunteer category in the
15th edition of the Codespa Awards given
by the homonymous foundation. HRH the
Prince of Asturias, Felipe de Borbón, as the
chairman of the Codespa Foundation, pre-
sided the award ceremony. The journalist
Juan Andrés Siles from the program “En-
fermería TV”, Acciona, and volunteers from
the VIPS Group were also awarded prizes
in the Journalism, Companies, and Corpo-
rate Volunteer categories.
The managing director, secretary general
and chairman of the Citizen Group’s Cor-
porate Responsibility Committee collected
the award on behalf of FCC.
The Codespa Awards recognize the com-
mitment of companies, employees, and
journalists to resolving the problems of de-
veloping countries. The award for being a
fnalist in the 15th edition of this award is a
recognition by the Codespa Foundation of
the Volunteer Program at FCC which, jointly
with the Esther Koplowitz Foundation, aim
to create a network of solidarity comprising
people who at the group as well as family
members and friends who contribute their
enthusiasm, knowledge, and time with the
intention of improving the life and welfare of
the groups most in need.
FCC employees cooperate at the Madrid,
Barcelona, and Valencia retirement homes
run by the Esther Koplowitz foundation to
help the people with the greatest needs in
our society. The activities at these homes
include spending time with the elderly, ac-
companying them in walks, workshops,
festive events, and conferences.
During his speech, HRH the Prince of As-
turias stated that “the evolution of these
awards is proof that society has made pro-
gress and is becoming increasingly involved
in the fght against poverty”. Don Felipe ac-
knowledged the general work being carried
out by institutions, companies, the mass
media, and individuals who demonstrate
their solidarity by participating in coopera-
tion development projects. He stressed his
support for creating alliances: “if we suc-
ceed in combining our efforts, we could
make much more progress in our objecti-
ves, eradicate, as soon as possible, extre-
me poverty and hunger in our planet”.
Felipe García, managing director and secretary
general of FCC collected the prize, accompa-
nied by Javier López Galiacho, head of FCC’s
Corporate Social Responsibility.