Page 27 - FCC-N10-eng

SEO Version

The award in the third category, “Com-
mitment to the Environment”, went to
Tragsa, for “its initiatives to improve envi-
ronmental performance while respecting
the natural areas where it operates, and
its institutional contribution to the recovery
and conservation of the environmental heri-
tage”. The prize was collected by Fe Meitín,
the company’s Human Resources mana-
ger, and it was presented by Delfín Martín,
representing La Caixa, which sponsored
the awards.
After referring to the “unprecedented” cri-
sis in Spain, Fernando Serrano stated that
“corporate social responsibility is gradually
becoming the gold standard for analysing
companies’ performance and their relations
and performance with respect to people,
the community and the environment. For
that reason, the Foundation grants these
awards as a way of recognising the best
business initiatives that serve as an exam-
ple of progress for other companies and are
a paragon of a job well done”.
Fernando Serrano, chairman of the Trade Unión’s Foundation
and secretary general of FECOMA CC.OO. was in charge of
delivering the award to Esther Koplowitz who expressed her
appreciation for this prize on behalf of all employees of the
Citizen Services Group.