After analysing mobility and travel to
and from these events, the study in-
cludes a series of recommendations to
improve road safety and access to the
events in these situations.
The recommendations are as follow:
Increase the number of controls
and the resources of police who
coordinate and control traffic.
Improve the offer of public trans-
port to prevent the congestion of
private cars.
Promote road safety awareness
campaigns in relation to the va-
lues of soccer and sports in ge-
Inform and create awareness
among the different users so that
that they drive safely, respecting
the areas designated for them
and checking their vehicles perio-
The conclusions of the survey among
local police
Even though the police do not believe that
there is a direct relationship between traffic
accidents and sports events, they stress
safety measures due to the aggressiveness
and rivalry among fans and the number of
these fans that go to the stadiums. The
main infraction, according to the police, is
the invasion of the street by pedestrians.
Conclusions of the survey among soc-
cer trainers
The soccer trainers who were interviewed
believe that the situations with the grea-
test risk are the pedestrians who are run
over by cars and not respecting pedestrian
crossings. They have a positive opinion on
increased security by the forces of law and
order and banning circulation a few hours
before the soccer matches begin. They
consider that the areas adjacent to the sta-
diums are the right place to promote sports
values applied to road safety, such as res-
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