Communication Network - Nº21 - page 78

The more you have in your head,
the less you look for a trashcan
The old rule that if one person is enjoying
himself, the others must watch out for him
applies three times as much in the case of
the company .A.S.A.
Five collection lines for plastic bags cannot
of course handle the onslaught of waste.
Wooden boxes and large containers, thir-
teen altogether, provide assistance, with
each of them swallowing eleven meters
of cubic filth. But not even this appetite
for cleaning is enough. When the human
swarm starts to run out of breath on Fri-
day and Saturday evening after ten o’clock,
garbage collectors and special sweepers
take a deep breath. But even these two
compact professionally run Egholm machi-
nes can’t sweep up everything. That’s, why
this must be done by those who caused the
mess: human beings.
The assault on garbage starts two
hours after midnight
With strategic precision, the sophisticated
cleaning plan culminates after midnight
on Saturday, when the .A.S.A. workforce
gathers on Freedom Square in Znojmo,
80 total (another 50 workers were hired for
the festival). The cleaning work begins at
night and ends at daybreak. And only when
everything has been cleaned to such per-
fection, as if the Znojmo wine festival never
The vandal is worse than the slob
Lastly, I experienced a similar buzz of
brooms during the autumn shift of the
a few years ago, but despite this, several
pubs proudly offer the local beer.
Wine region
Znojmo is the centre of a famous wine re-
gion. When visiting the city, one should
spend some time in wine-tasting and eno-
tourism activities, enjoying the city’s nume-
rous restaurants that offer a varied selection
of the local wine.
The grape harvest at Znojmo offers a good
opportunity to try good wines, the young
sparkling fermented wines and the deli-
cious cuisine of this region. The wine fes-
tival commemorates the city’s medieval
history and the year 1327 when the King of
Czechoslovakia, John of Luxembourg and
his wife Elizabeth Přemyslovna visited the
city with their royal court.
The Monastery of Louka, over the
centuries considered one of Central
Europe’s most important religious si-
tes, is not far from Znojmo and is well
worth a visit. Visitors can taste a wide
selection of wines and visit the winery
and museum.
The National Podyjí Park and Šobes,
one of the best European vineyards
and the Blue Wineries in Nový Šaldorf
are also recommended for a visit.
Visit the surrounding
lt would be too
late if it was necessary to
wait until the event ended
before starting
to clean up
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