Page 57 - FCC_N18_eng

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Congratulations for a job well done
The bridge has been visited on seve-
ral occasions by the Bulgarian prime
minister, the ministers of transport of
Bulgaria and Romania, and several di-
Rafael Huerga, project manager.
Pablo Fernández.
Head of Resources and
Equipment. “It has been a pride to work in
such a major project”.
Diana Cobos.
Head of BBR Projects. “You
look at it, realise that you built it, and it fills
you with pride”.
Gustavo Delgado.
BBR Engineer “This
has been the star project of the last five
years; this is certainly a unique project”.
Antuan Ngok.
In charge of the navigable
zone. “Something quite special, something
that won’t happen again in my lifetime”.
Sonia Machorska.
In charge of Viding
Bridge Communications. “Two cultures in
partments were involved at all times; and
the execution was carried out by the project
team with the constant support of the Tech-
nical Departments.
There were also synergies among the di-
fferent Group companies. The project was
executed by FCC with the participation of
BBR pte, a company specialising in preten-
sioned segments, and FCC Industrial which
was in charge of executing the installations
and the fire protection systems.
plomats from various European countries.
The British vice-ambassador in Sophia,
Catherine Barber, visited the bridge at
the end of January and congratulated the
team for such a wonderful achievement.
The Bulgarian railway company sent FCC
a letter congratulating the company on
the work executed.
t h e p l a c e