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Richard Dennis Hart.
Technical De-
partment. “An elegant structure”.
José Manuel Gutiérrez Manjón.
of the Geotechnics Department. “This expe-
rience has provided very useful knowledge
for an International Federation of Consulting
Engineers project of these characteristics”.
Fernando Flórez Llanos.
Head of the Te-
chnical Office. “The result is almost outs-
tanding. This is one of the most spectacular
current projects in Europe”.
Enrique Rodríguez Prado.
Director of Civil
Works Studies. “I would highlight its econo-
mic and political importance”.
Oscar Bartolomé.
Project Supervision De-
partment. “What is underwater is as much
or even more than what is at the surface”.
Alberto Vergara.
Manager of the Vidin
Bridge. “A bridge that brings Europe to-
Julio Ruiz Cabrero.
Manager General Des-
mond Bridge. “Work, comradeship, efforts,
patience, and challenge”.
Adrian Bora.
Institutional Relations. “A
great achievement, a great help of people
that live in Bulgaria and in Rumania”.
The necessary infrastructures for road tra-
ffic were also built, including a new freight
station, 17 new kilometres of railway, the
refurbishment of the existing passenger
station, and the execution of seven inter-
sections at different levels.
The bridge was built with European funds
from the ISPA (Instrument for Structural Po-
licies for Pre-Accession program and finan-
ce facilities from the European Investment
Bank, from, France and from Germany.
The managers of the Studies and Contracting and the FCC Construcción Technical
Departments who have participated in the project.
Victor, Begoña and Beatriz, the Hydraulic Works team.
José Ignacio González.
Manager of the
Structures Department: “A unique structure
which made it necessary to address many
Rafael Jiménez.
Head of the Department
of Bridges. “Technical complexity where
there is no room for errors”
Iñaki Díaz de Argote.
International Pro-
jects Coordination Department. “A very
special bond has been created among all
of us who have worked on building the brid-
The team of professionals have worked for
over five years to make this bridge a reality.
More than 1,000 people were involved in
the busiest periods of the project.
It was mostly carried out by two project
managers: Julio Ruiz Cabrero, who is now
working at the Gerald Desmond Bridge in
California (U.S.) and Rafael Huerga, who re-
mains in charge of the project, taking care
of the finishing touches, with the support
of Fernando Flórez, head of the Technical
This has been a transversal project in which
many different Group teams have worked.
The Studies and Contracting Department
was responsible for securing the contract
for the project for FCC; the Technical De-