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The 2
Edition of the Prevention Awards
was launched last December in order to
reward and to acknowledge the work ca-
rried out by FCC employees to improve
safety and health protection at our organi-
As in the previous edition, the results were
excellent and employees from various or-
ganizational structures and business areas
The prizes were broken down into three
categories: “Prize for Preventive Manage-
ment”; “Prize for Technical Innovation”, and
“Special Mention for Personal Endeavour”
with the first two receiving the greatest
number of proposals.
One of the novelties of this edition was that
for the first time participation was open to
a greater number of organizational structu-
res, business and production units of the
FCC Group regardless of their location or
nationality. The internationalisation of these
awards was highly successful and after the
deadline for submitting the proposals was
closed, 30% of the total proposals were
submitted by employees working abroad.
We take the opportunity to thank the sup-
port provided by the Communications
Network and especially want to thank the
participants for their efforts and for wanting
to share their work with the rest of the or-
Edition of the FCC Safety and Health Awards
lnternational participation
accounted for one third
w e l l - b e i n g